Criminal Justice is my life!!!

Welcome back to all. Throughout my college career I was a Criminal Justice researcher, and I can honestly tell you guys that it was one of the best ideas that I have decided to do. Deciding to go with this major have changed me into the better man that I am today. This major is what sealed the fact that I would be pursing the career of Law Enforcement.

To my own point of view Sociology and Criminal Justice creates the best partnership within all majors as a pair. Everything that I would be focused on my future which is Law Enforcement relates back to Sociology. What I mean by this if we take a look at a criminal we can’t only think of the criminal aspects that occurred, we need to analyze the person on why it occurred. To me Sociology is what media portrays, different trends, or just going with the flow. In other words a culture can be developed by what they see or what they are told to do. Which relates to what Sociological perspective is.  From my view points it’s the way sociologist looks at society on why things happen the way they do, or the reason why people do it.

To be real with you guys I feel that Sociology is under rated. This is a everyday useful tool that could help us understand why things occur the way that they do. It’s a significant tool that would help us out in our generation to solve problems. This is why Sociological perspective is very important, we need sociologist to be able to continue their examinations for we can have less issues in societies. I really enjoy learning about the field of Sociology for academic, but this is a major that can be very useful for everyone or specialist to be able to improve our societies.


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